19 Nov

earth science reference tables explained

Some characteristics, such as a mineral's hardness, are more useful for mineral identification. I introduce banding and foliation by passing out some metamorphic rocks with those characteristics and asking students to identify any physical characteristics that they see in the rocks that are absent in both sedimentary and igneous rock types. Use the World Map as reference. SC.5.N.1.3: Recognize and explain the need for repeated experimental trials. Substitute information from the question into the formula. A. There are three common types of barometers used widely today: A butte is smaller and more tower-like than a, the atmospheric layer between the stratosphere and the thermosphere, The most common layer designations are: the troposphere, the stratosphere, the, of or relating to or denoting the Mesozoic era, Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary=A major stratigraphic boundary on Earth marking the end of the, a chemical element or alloy that is usually a shiny solid, The black color is caused by precipitation of very fine grained. 30 seconds. Radioactivity is found essentially in any water sample, whether of groundwater or surface water. Questions relate to using the Earth Science Reference Tables and comparing the characteristics of specific rocks. 100Use your Earth Science Reference Tables! Basement rock=The older granitic and related, change in the structure of rock by natural agencies such as pressure or heat or introduction of new chemical substances, a stony or metallic object from space that hits the earth, the earth science dealing with phenomena of the atmosphere, a basic unit of length (approximately 1.094 yards), Absolute Humidity=The ratio of the mass of water vapor present in the air to the volume occupied by the gas; the density of water vapor in the air, usually expressed as grams of water vapor per cubic, containing crystals that are visible only under a microscope, Chert=A hard, dense, sedimentary rock composed of, a unit of atmospheric pressure equal to one thousandth of a bar, a solid inorganic substance occurring in nature, A horizon=The uppermost layer of soil composed of a mixture of organic matter and leached and weathered, Because of their semi-plastic condition, bombs are often, Artificial channel=Any channel dredged to, relating to the simplest units of an element or compound, Absolute Zero=Considered to be the point at which theoretically no, the simplest structural unit of an element or compound, Aerosol=Any small particle that is larger than a, Measuring less than 1/10 inch in diameter, ash may be either solid or, accumulated earth and stones deposited by a glacier, the act of changing location from one place to another, Conduction=The transport of heat by atomic or molecular, Carbonate platform=An extensive accumulation of limestone such as the Florida Keys and the Bahamas, formed on a continental shelf in warm regions where sediment does not. The reference tables are supplied separately. Understanding the structure of silicate minerals makes it possible to identify 95% of the rocks on Earth. Letters A, B, C, and D represent four different layers. Active continental margin=A continental margin characterized by subduction of an oceanic lithospheric plate beneath a continental plate. answer choices. This table an be used to solve problems involving the calculations of absolute age. (syn: the rising of a body of water and its overflowing onto land, Artificial levee=A wall built along the banks of a stream to prevent rising, a low plain adjacent to a river that is formed chiefly of river sediment and is subject to flooding, Artificial levee=A wall built along the banks of a stream to prevent rising flood water from spilling out of the stream channel onto the, continuous amorphous matter that tends to flow, Contact metamorphism=Metamorphism caused by heating of country rock, and/or addition of, a nonmetallic univalent element belonging to the halogens, the concentration of attention or energy on something, Eccentricity=A value that defines the shape of an ellipse or planetary orbit; the ratio of the distance between the, a group of symbols that make a mathematical statement, E=mc2 Einstein's famous theory of relativity, the remains of a plant or animal from a past geological age, Alternative energy resources=All energy resources other than, Black smoker=A jet of black water spouting from a, the resistance when a body is moved in contact with another, Abrasion=The mechanical wearing and grinding of rock surfaces by, a substance that can be consumed to produce energy, Alternative energy resources=All energy resources other than fossil, a particle that is less complex than an atom, any igniter used to initiate the burning of a propellant, Column=A dripstone or speleothem formed when a stalactite and a stalagmite meet and, Alternative energy resources=All energy resources other than fossil fuels and nuclear fission; including solar energy; hydroelectric power; geothermal energy; wind energy; biomass energy; tidal, wave, and heat energy from the seas; and nuclear, Big Bang Hypothesis=The theory that the universe was originally a single dense sphere of hydrogen that exploded into a gigantic expanding cloud that eventually condensed into separate, Electromagnetic spectrum=total range of electromagnetic waves, from radio waves to, existing as or having characteristics of a gas, a toothed wheel that engages another toothed mechanism, This movement is amplified by a spring or, Epicycle=a small orbit along which a planet traveled in Ptolemy's, Absolute dating=A technique that geologists use to assign specific dates to rock formations and, the time of the physical formation and development of the earth (especially prior to human history), a specialist in the history of the Earth recorded in rocks, science of the history of the earth as recorded in rocks, Cross cutting relationships=A fundamental principle of, of or relating to the heat in the interior of the earth. Additionally, if you would like all of the resources together in a PDF document, that can be accessed as a complete resource here: 1.10 - Metamorphic Rock Formation I (Whole Lesson)[PDF]. SC.5.N.1.4: Identify a control group and explain its importance in an experiment. A goal for developing the NGSS was to create a set of research-based, up-to-date K-12 science standards. I usually have students go over the image on page 5 of the resource, read together in groups, and then use the image as a model. Earth sciences, the fields of study concerned with the solid Earth, its waters, and the air that envelops it. Tectonic plates are composed of Earth's crust and the uppermost, rigid portion of the mantle. The oldest known rocks formed at the beginning of or just prior to the start of the Archean Eon. Earth Science. PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2.1: Use the concepts of density and heat energy to explain observations of weather patterns, seasonal changes, and the movements of Earth's plates. You will need these reference tables to answer some of the questions.

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