19 Nov

how does employee motivation impact organizational performance pdf

organizational commitment has positive and significant effect on lecturer performance. Socio-economic difference might contribute for this variation. That is why our customer admires our nurses by saying ‘your nurses, your nurses…’ we hear this”. motivational tools impact the performance of employee for betterment. degree holders respectively (Additional file 2: Table S2). In public hospitals some patient responded getting timely medication and follow up from nurses. performance and that salary/wage and bonus/incentives also serve as a form of motivation to the employees. The researcher hopes that the finding and suggestions would enable for effective management of employees towards achieving organizational goals. The study will enable manager to Power Holding Company of Nigeria Enugu to identity how productivity can be improved through effective and . Employees can also get motivated themselves by seeking work where their individual goals, needs and wants are achieved. Clean, made and attractive bed was also observed. This study . Privacy 2016. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jik.2016.01.004. A case study of TM Supermarket; Rusape Branch. How they feel about the work they are doing and the results received from that work directly impact an organization's performance and, ultimately, its stability. Again, Purposive sampling was used to select key informant interviewees (head ward nurse, hospital manager and patients) for the qualitative approach. affect positively and significantly teacher performance, in fact organizational culture just has positive but insignificant effect to job satisfaction. In In the operations of any organization, recruitment and selection is the major function of the Study on Ethiopian public health workers also evidenced as overall performance of health workers is negatively impacted by low levels of health worker motivation and job satisfaction. µóE”&ËÄÏØ6®QHr„Ʊ©§ÆýòE&[•>^˜7٫҂;hózšfš`ŽÛÀìbÏ Employee Motivation, An Organizational Performance Improvement Strategy (A Review on Influence of Employee Motivation on Organizational Performance). It means that the employees are to be involved in a continuous striving effort for improvement. vi DEFINITION OF KEY TERMS Management A social process consisting of planning, controlling, coordination and motivating Motivation Used to refer to a set of processes which energizes a person‟s behaviour and directs him/her towards attaining a certain goal. Organizational culture In the last two decades, there has been a great deal of insight-sharing and research concerning culture within Organizations, and its impact on various aspects of the Organizational, motivation included. play an important role to increase employees performance and also increase the productivity of an organization (MUOGBO U.S, 2013). They are more committed to their jobs. Introduction result indicated that there is a significant relationship between employee motivation and organizational productivity. The study recommends Prompt payment of salaries, wages and all . The individuals forming the group are the employees of the organization who contribute their efforts towards the achievement of the organizational objectives. This culture values competition, competence, and achievement. Majorities (51.4%) of the respondents were male with mean age of 27.55 (± 4.039 SD). The study design used and socio-economic difference in which nurses in this setup are paid less than those countries may contribute for this variation. Four of the nurses responded for the interview were female and three of them were male. This study was designed based on the literature, connecting the impact of employee motivation on organizational performance and relationship between reward systems on organizational performance. Public hospital manager stated that “nurses’ motivation can bear many effects on the organizational performance. In this context, motivation means the willingness of the employees to make efforts and take action towards organizational objectives. On the other hand, the extrinsic motivation is something which is done to or for employees to motivate them. Motivation affect on lecturer performance. The employees feel appreciated and work with enhanced enthusiasm which leads to their better productivity and loyalty. The major factors which influence the employees’ motivation are (i) salaries and compensation, (ii) incentives and rewards, (iii) work-life balance, (iv) promotional opportunities for growth, (v) praise and recognition, (vi) organization’s culture, (vii) employees’ empowerment and assigning of the responsibilities, (viii) impartiality and transparency in employees’ related decisions and employees’ related organizational policies, and (ix) effective and transparent communication . tweaking of organization goals to boost employee motivation (Kivininiemi et al., 2002). Franco LM, Bennett S, Kanfer R. Health sector reform and public health worker motivation: a conceptual framework. Though her bed was made clean, a 23 years old patient who was admitted before 14 days of the data collection period complained “nurses sometimes don’t come and ignore me when I need and call them”. To say some of them: infection prevention will be practiced in efficient way and this can contribute to reduction of morbidity and mortality in the hospital. After approval, this College written letter of request to both Hawassa University Comprehensive specialized and Alatyon hospital. statement and The purpose for this paper is to discover impact of employee motivation on organizational performance and examining the relationship between reward systems on organizational performance. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Article  Employees concentrate more on the job, put their best efforts on the job, and do not waste their time in the non productive activities. Employees’ motivation leads to healthy and safe practices at the work place. Motivation techniques are made simple and direct in this focused guide for managers and leaders. The conceptual relationship between employees’ relationship and organizational performance is shown in Fig 1. Organizational communication, in today's organizations has not only become far more complex and varied but has become an important factor for overall organizational functioning and success. It is now universally recognized that the employees’ motivation play a dominant role in the performance of the organization. 1. For the sake of the organizational performance, the management is to provide an environment in the organization which motivates the employees. 2014;00(00):1–19. Zameer et.al (2014) finds that motivation can improve employee performance. Proc Soc Behav Scinces. Impact Of Motivation On Employee Performance With Effect leads his/ her determination at achieving that aim. This type of motivation usually has an immediate and powerful effect, however it does not tend to last for a long time. It arises from factors outside the employees, such as pay, position and punishments (criticism). These motivating factors, which are concerned with the quality of life, tend to have a long term effect since they are inherent in individual and not imposed from outside. Purposive sampling was applied to select the hospitals based on the number of nurses they employed. The records were transcribed and coded with two coders. Different raters can be used to increase the accuracy From the total 241 distributed questionnaires, 220 (giving 91.3% of response rate) were returned and used for analysis of the quantitative data. organizational culture does not contribute directly to improvement of the lecturer/ employee performance, it has increased motivation. The hierarchy culture or bureaucratic culture places a great deal of emphasis on structure characterized by bureaucratic mechanisms which provide clear roles and procedures which are formally defined by rules and regulations. The majority (64.2%) stated increased work performance followed by good team spirit (62.2 as the effect of their motivation (Fig. The main objective of the study was to assess level of motivation, how nurses perceived work motivation and its effects on organizational performance among nurses working in Hawassa public and private hospitals. Therefore, every manager in the organization has to make efforts to Motivation of the employees brings along with it (i) flexibility of work, (ii) the challenging and interesting traits of the work, and (iii) a good and co-operative relationship with the supervisors and the colleagues. An organization consists of a large or small group of individuals which is working under the direction of a management and a system for the accomplishment of certain common objectives. 2006;17:1–17. Motivation of employees who have not maximized and poor work discipline is very bad impact on the achievement of employee performance (Fahmi, 2012: 83). Organ (1988 . In addition, field notes were taken during data collection. Ababe Tamirat Deressa. Enter your e-mail address and your password. The framework of the organizational cultures specifies that the cultures can be seen in terms of two sets of competing values namely (i) the dilemma over flexible and control values, and (ii) the dilemma over employees (internal) and organizational (external) focus. In Arab countries, there is defiance and leaders blocking the importance of letting people have a say and their ideas, even if it can improve organizational performance (Al Raisi et al., 2011). This study . Human resources for health: overcoming the Crisis Cambridge. The major factors include (i) employee motivation, (ii) teamwork, (iii) training and development, (iii) performance appraisals, (iv) employee satisfaction, (v) compensation, (vi) job security, (vii) incentives and rewards, (viii) work environment, and (ix) organizational structure. In line with the above, patient from the private hospital realized this report. For me, motivation is these all (27 years old ward head nurse with 5 years work experience from public hospital). Soc Sci Med. Part of The more motivation an organization transmits to an employee, the more rewards the employee will provide, being more effectively involved in an organization (Lee & Bruvold, 2003) and at higher output levels (Gardner, Van Dyne, & Pierce, 2004). Each type of these four cultures is viewed as an organizational lever to fulfill the drives which motivates the employees. No relationship was established prior to study commencement with the participants. It also obtain an understandings on what motivates an employee to work This is also supportable with finding from South Africa that identified as overall doctors were dissatisfied in their work motivation [15]. From 219 participants who responded to effect of work motivation, 67.9% (147) of them believed that their motivation has effect on their organizational performance and 32.9% (72) of them responded as their motivation has no effect on their organizational performance. Though all these factors are important, employee motivation is the one which has a very high influence on the performance.

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