19 Nov

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Column Has Come to an Adios, Critical Race Theory and the Jewish Project, Truth and Fiction in Elie Wiesel’s “Night”, How the Coronavirus Is Testing Putin’s Leadership—and the System He Created, After the Kensington Inferno, Many in Britain Will Rethink Deregulation, Joe Scotchie: Recovering Authentic (= Politically Incorrect) Conservatism, Four Corners/Fairfax Levels Up to US-Class National Security Steno Work on China. The sheepherding and olive growing hills and islands of Greece, however, were partially sheltered from this threat. https://t.co/Qcy32RH1G1, — Aaron Sibarium (@aaronsibarium) October 18, 2021. Early users of marijuana, so it is said. They just won’t answer questions about racial health disparities, because racial health disparities aren’t due to genetics.

the Wikipedia page shows one being ridden in an old photo.

An’ ‘ere’s ~to~ you, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, with your ‘ayrick ‘ead of ‘air — ‘E ‘asn’t got no papers of ‘is own, This was the earliest archaeological evidence of horse domestication, and seemed promising as the birthplace of modern horses. I mean, isn’t the oldest known Indo-European story about talking domesticated horses and sheep?

This meticulously researched work proposes not only a counterhistory but a new historiography of design, shedding light on overlooked historical landmarks and figures while reevaluating the legacies of design's established luminaries from ... So it would seem that the main advantage of early cavalry was not so much battle efficiency but safety – an option of easy escape if things go wrong. … After collecting and sequencing 273 ancient horse genomes, a team of 162 authors concluded that modern horses were domesticated around 4,200 years ago in steppes around southern Russia, near where the Volga and Don rivers intersect. Given that AFAIK, all modern Eurasian populations are amalgams of at least two of primordial herdsman, farmer, and/or hunter ur-populations, the becoming family part already happened (probably most often in the way portrayed in the Rape of the Sabine Women). The neolithic peoples they subjugated used long “self” bows in what can be interpreted as massed artillery assaults on the large and very well-fortified hilltop enclosures of their various local rivals. Sorry to be a pedant, Steve, but it’s spelt ‘Steppe’. Get me away from these lunatics. One might argue that they were pre-Aryan or proto-Aryan (or proto-Indo European), but they (or the related Yamnaya) were not “Aryan.” Not in the sense of the popular usage or in the more scientific linguistic sense.

…. In this masterful book, Walter Ehrlich shows how the St. Louis Jewish community grew in two separate yet intricately related milieux.

This first is if you want to enter a U.S. dollar-denominated amount to pay me.

Lessons To Be Learned From The Alec Baldwin Shooting - The ... I’ve often maintained that – until the rise of gunpowder weapons – the history of mankind was a story of conflict between the settled, “civilized” peoples (largely agriculturalists) and pastoralists (often semi-nomadic), with the latter more often than not getting the better of the former and implanting themselves as elites amongst their erstwhile enemies – only to be toppled and replaced by yet another group of pastoralists. The Hutus were more sedentary farmers (in the Bantu mode, of course) and the Tutsis were nomadic pastoralists, possibly characterised by a certain degree of Arabic admixture. You can go anywhere where grass is. From the NYT science section: The Horse You Rode In On May Have Been Made in Southern Russia A comprehensive new paper tested 273 ancient horse genomes to pinpoint when and where modern horses were domesticated. The research reflected in this book addresses these very problems. It is a collection of articles which establish a conceptual foundation for the research area of Computer-Supported Cooperative Work.

This freaks him out. "The time of naïve optimism about America's future is over. I don’t understand a damn thing you said. There is no 2.9% fee like with PayPal or Google Wallet, so this is good for large contributions. Below are links to two Coinbase pages of mine. Or China. So we must certify the skill ‘e’s shown “During Cummings’ chase, Frazier’s Jeep entered an intersection on a green light. Alec Baldwin Has PTSD…Really? - The Blue State Conservative You also don’t have to worry about bad weather and other such things. This culture was carried further into Europe by their offspring. Faculty + Staff - Crown College The archaeological evidence point to multiple domestication events.

But rest assured – the Sintashta were “Europoids” still, albeit proto-Indo-Iranian* linguistically. Let Computers Do It: Film Set Tragedy Spurs Call to Ban Guns. Moreover, cavalry became a useful tool to threaten and at times overrun this very new “God of War,” artillery itself. The Magic Barrel: Stories When I was a kid playing with a BB gun in a friend’s basement an accident happened that seared itself into my soul. I believe that’s what happened to separately domesticated American dog breeds that predated European settlement. ‘E rushes at the smoke when we let drive, were assimilated into Slavic proto-peoples; they spoke Indo-European satem language(s), just like Iranian, Baltic and Slavic peoples, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centum_and_satem_languages. The original was a confection got up merely for illustrative purposes by A. Schleicher in 1868. A pretty good book on tactical systems is “Elements of Military Strategy”, by Archer Jones.

I should have put a literal trigger warning on that Oklahoma!

For if you ‘ave lost more than us, you crumpled up the square! An’ a Zulu ~impi~ dished us up in style: I don’t think these were used in ancient Mediterranean warfare. The fire had spread unabated for nearly two hours before the first firefighters – crews from the San Diego Fire Department – poured water onto the flames. To the researchers’ surprise, the Botai horses did not give rise to modern horses, but were instead the direct ancestors of Przewalski’s horses, a stocky lineage originally thought to be the last wild horses on the planet. Stirrups. Apparently, this never happened. Either way, the solution to the conflict was to become “family.” . One descendant of these clans is alleged to be Joe Stalin, or so he said. Hardcore Israeli asset John Bolton threatened Jose Bustani by saying, “We know where your kids live”.

If you’re always mounted, you might as well get good at it. The NYT relays no evidence in its “anti-Yamnaya” supposition: … and the above is indeed contradicted by recent findings: Dairying enabled Early Bronze Age Yamnaya steppe expansions, https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03798-4, https://www.unz.com/isteve/when-did-european-adults-finally-start-drinking-milk/#comment-4909392 (#31).

There is a view that the Corded Ware were predominantly derived from Yamnaya male invaders and local (EEF or Early European Farmer) females in Europe. “All I ask is that you use this experience to do good for other people. [4] Due to Polybius’ descriptions of Antiochus’ Asian elephants (Elephas maximus), brought from India, as being larger and stronger than Ptolemy’s African elephants, it had once been theorized[5] that Ptolemy’s elephants were in fact the African forest elephant (Loxodonta cyclotis), a close relative to the African bush elephant (Loxodonta africana) – a typical African bush elephant would tower over an Asian one, meaning that the smaller forest elephant would be a better fit with Polybius’ descriptions. The prominence of knights coming to an end is traditionally dated to the Battle of Pavia (1525) at the hands of the “pike and shot” formations: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Pavia, History of the Art of War with the Framework of Political History, Thanks.

Parole board votes to spring Sirhan Sirhan. Where it fits in there I do not know.

]), Arsuf (1187 [? A comprehensive new paper tested 273 ancient horse genomes to pinpoint when and where modern horses were domesticated. This trend reversed as Western European polities became wealthier and more organized and were again able to field larger armies – the infantry component of their militaries became much larger again, and well-equipped European medieval forces began to practice combined warfare (again), with the growing prominence of both melee infantry (largely formations of spearmen) and skirmishers/archers/crossbowmen. So your impression “that foot soldiers were often simply disregarded” in this period reflects the bias of the men who thusly celebrated their peers and sponsors than actuality. Many of Richard’s knights were unhorsed by the arrows of the Ayubbid horse archers (many of who apparently dismounted to bring their archery to bear more effectively) and joined the infantry to fight on. Especially if that’s the way it’s always been and presumably always will be. Stirrups were not necessary for fielding an effective cavalry force.

*Iranian being literally the “real Aryans.” . As I commented on Razib Khan’s blog: https://www.gnxp.com/WordPress/2021/09/17/the-echoes-of-greater-scythia/#comments. In contrast, Western warlords such as Richard often fielded what moderns would call a “combined arms army” of cavalrymen, infantry, and crossbowmen. The only exception would be on rough terrain: mountains or dense forests. Kristiansen et al. She was the wife of the late William Alley. The Sarmatians (and Scyths before them) made up a great story (also Herodotus) that their gold was guarded far to the east on barren earth by griffins. On a cold Siberian night, She ran calling лесной пожар You can even survive in a desert, as the Arabs show. Not quite. But for years the only edition of the (Sarmatian) Nart Sagas in print was a 500 page Hungarian edition, their language is not Indo-European either.

Leona Alley NORFOLK – Leona Alley, 79 passed away on November 14, 2021 after a brief illness. [7] Much smaller than their Indian or Bush cousins, members of this subspecies were typically around 8-foot high at the shoulder. Um das Angebot und alle Funktionen in vollem Umpfang nutzen zu können, aktualisieren Sie bitte ihren Browser auf die … Fairly high level discussion of human and animal migrations into Europe and new DNA findings. Well, the cosmopolitans NEVER sleep when working to destroy US Gun Culture.

There is also a dispute over whether the EEF were dark- or light-pigmented – it appears that both the EEFs and Corded Ware were mixed populations with varying pigmentations.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuzzy-Wuzzy. It went off, and a BB hit my friend in the back. As I wrote above, in Europe itself, the prominence of melee cavalry began to wane once states were wealthy and organized enough to field well-trained heavy infantry (especially pikemen, backed by archers or crossbowmen and later by arquebusiers), culminating in one of the most dramatic examples in the Battle of Courtrai (1302), in which well-armed and -disciplined Flemish militia infantry slaughtered French knights and men-at-arms in great numbers.

Whatever the case may be, during the mid- to late-Bronze era, there was a burst of selective sweep that went through Central and Northern Europe that greatly increased blondism. The funniest section in Herodotus is where the Great King Darius decides to conquer the pesky Samatian horseclans once and for all.

Modern Domestic Horses Come from Russian Step in 2200 BC, No mount of ever reinterpreting steppe, mountain and russian will ever satisfy all parties that everyone is gay, and russians are gaysest.

Yet those hybrids still took up one or the other and the pattern persisted until the cannon made Jared Diamond’s “farmer power” supreme.

Square was a reinvention of the utterly terrifying Swiss (running) pike block, but for the age of the rifle and cannon. You’re a pore benighted ‘eathen but a first-class fightin’ man; They weren’t all blond, but they’re the ones that brought the blonde alleles in. Found inside – Page 631... Chas H - Wm W Whiddit 120 30 1 Harris , Heyman - Edw R Lazarus . .349.97 1 Hirschhorn , Isidor - The State Bank . ... Frank -- Locomotive Engineers Mutual Life & Accident Association ..... costs , 79.33 the same --- Enos V Dutcher ...

First of all, there is the likelihood that the Yamnaya availed themselves to both horse milk and cow milk and related products, with all the implied nutritional advantages. On that question there don’t seem to be many surprises here or elsewhere. I have a vague idea that Hittite and other Anatolian languages have the oldest written forms.

I’d love to see Biden fire up a jet pack, leave the planet and never come back. GLOBAL EXCLUSIVE: A Small Group of International Banks, Working With Pfizer, Successfully Executed A Planetary Coup Against The Nation-State – … All the scholars are basically operating with relatively small bits of genetic evidence, so things can change as more data are made available.

type 2 diabetes in usa virus. The reasons for this decline are manifold and too complex to write here. He has been to war on behalf of the Global America Empire, and suffers from PTSD from that, and from circumstances going back to childhood: As Scott Greer might say, “There is a LOT going on here”.

Just tell WF SurePay to send the money to my ancient AOL email address steveslrAT aol.com — replace the AT with the usual @). That’s a complete nonsense that Mr. Sailer is pushing to make his “Conan the Barbarian” comparison stick while perhaps also winking to the Nordicist crowd. He won three Tony Awards and three Academy Awards, among other honors. Also, they have a different number of chromosomes than regular horses (although interbreeding still possible). GLOBAL EXCLUSIVE: A Small Group of International Banks, Working With Pfizer, Successfully Executed A Planetary Coup Against The Nation-State – …

Though the Yamnaya may have domesticated the horse, they likely 1) didn’t spread it to the others and 2) weren’t able to utilize the horse for greater military potential as the Sintashta apparently were able to. The Boers knocked us silly at a mile,

Sarmatians, Scythians etc.

The Vaccine Holocaust Is Well Underway—The War Against ... Those who subscribe to that latter view seems to think that the Corded Ware are likely those who migrated from Central Europe to the steppes to the east and re-migrated back as pastoralists to Central Europe. This new edition provides a step-by-step guide through the process of a personal injury claim, from the initial client interview to closing statements."--Publisher's website. He needs at least a year and a day in prison. They don’t actually intersect, but they are connected by a relatively short canal. Mostly for intimidation. But still much evidence that western China (now) had “Caucasian” populations long ago, though the Han Chinese ideology of the CCP has shut down research into that. Controlled things, changed culture (often innovative) and of course interbred. This could refer to either or both historical battles between the British and Mahdist forces where British infantry squares were “broken”. Or you can send money via credit card (Visa, MasterCard, AmEx, Discover) with the industry-standard 2.9% fee.

NYT: Should Classic Rock Songs Be Toppled Like Confederate Statues?

Nope, not by themselves. (link not included because of alphanumeric code at the end, which could be a tracking id for all I know, which would be ironic), ‘…The prominence of knights coming to an end is traditionally dated to the Battle of Pavia (1525) at the hands of the “pike and shot” formations…’. Both sides get more and more pissed off with each other, and because it never used to be much of a problem, there are no procedures for dispute resolution so the killing starts.

Georgians, on the other hand, are not an Indo-European language speaking people. ago, no doubt you would have had the living sh!t scared and beaten out of you, just prior to having all of your female relatives appropriated. The rise of cavalry into prominence in parts of Europe was something that began in the late Roman and Byzantine era as a result of complex intermix of military, economic, social, and demographic reasons, but the romance of the mounted knight was overdone, to say the least. https://www.unz.com/isteve/the-fawn-fire/#comment-4925866. You sound angry and hurt. Select / unselect all; $100 penalty owed by applicant; 180 day rule; 30-day notice d/o/a after April 5, 2002; 45 day rule; 90-day notice d/o/a before April 5, 2002

https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/proceedings-of-the-prehistoric-society/article/abs/neolithic-bows-from-somerset-england-and-the-prehistory-of-archery-in-northwestern-europe/7A2883B4781A2D0F22A1869495DFDFE3, https://www.ucl.ac.uk/prehistoric/past/past46.html#Bowstave.

The ‘People’s Crusade’ — largely on foot — crossed over into Anatolia first, and after making a nuisance of themselves by attacking various towns and committing various atrocities, were summarily slaughtered by the (mounted) warriors fielded by the Turks.

If a bunch of guys riding horses showed up in your farming village 4000 yrs. Even thereafter, mounted (stirrupped) cavalry was successfully and often used in a shock role; see several of Napoleon’s victories. For instance, one pre-existing theory suggested a pastoralist people called the Yamnaya were able to migrate on horseback in massive numbers into Europe around 5,000 years ago.

Mainly in the Middle East, though Hannibal famously brought some into Italy.

https://archive.md/ddatE for those without NYT subscription. What griffins? Then ‘ere’s ~to~ you, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, an’ the missis and the kid; ‘E squatted in the scrub an’ ‘ocked our ‘orses, They likely looked more like northern Iranians of today. In this provocative book, Scott Sagan challenges such optimism.

There is a sense in which I have a great advantage over Baldwin.

Washington Post: Facebook's algorithms found that most hate speech on Facebook was anti-white and/or anti-male, but that's GOOD hate speech, NYC to pay out up to $1.8 billion for using a teacher test on which whites outscore blacks and Hispanics, Canada spends $1.2 million on curing cancer through decolonization, "Best Little Boy in the World:" Gay men have the highest academic achievement, Rosenbaum, Huber, and Grosskreutz named Honorary Blacks, Kyle Rittenhouse Is Acquitted on All Counts, Liberals have either forgotten or never noticed the racial reckoning riots of 2020, The Superstarification of everything: high school football edition. Keeping in mind that history is bunk, this makes it at least easier to accept. The sheepy-horsey tale is a 19th century (AD!) When an innocent person is killed by someone pulling the trigger of a loaded gun, it is not an accident. Building on the success of the 2003 Handbook of the Life Course, this second volume identifies future directions for life course research and policy. That is not what they found with dogs at all. Despite thick, choking smoke spreading through the ship – and amid dangers from searing heat and possible fire flashes – some sailors, including several chief petty officers, didn’t don the required firefighting equipment. The researchers assumed that there would have been multiple domestication events, perhaps with intermittent additional wild genes introgressing into the domestic lines.

Then they intervened to make peace between their husbands and fathers/brothers. You big black boundin’ beggar — for you broke a British square!

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