19 Nov

evolution of management in ancient civilization

Develop mankind and have fun! Around the 1200s and early 1300s, the people in present-day Mexico lived in three big rival cities – Tenochtitlan, Texcoco, and Tlacopan. Absolutely. What I am curious to find out is with the discovery of several more ancient civilizations what is the official word on Gobekli Tepe. Civilizations are the sum of cultures and indigenous groups, which are what these older gatherings of people were. et proportionalita” publication in A.I). We were much better off before. Göbekli Tepe over 10000bc years old. Lepenki Vir and Vinca (Serbia) civilisations were booming in 7000 BC . And recent discoveries shows that traders from Indus Valley were trading on sea routes, all the way to Mesopotamia as Indus valley official signets and jewerly were found in tombs of people buried in Middle East. If you look at Syria and Africa, the migration out of those areas has some roots in climate change.”. Now, looking at this burial apparently they had hierarchy, as this seems to be the grave of some ruler or a noble. Too much history missing from fire that destroyed the library of Alexandria. All evidences proofed that pharaohs are black Nubian including the dna which means the giant pyramids of Egypt you can see today were built by Nubian. Aboriginals area very old, recently shown to be 80,000 years plus. And did we forget to tell you that the diameter of earth, the precise cause of eclipses, the revolution of sun, moon are all explicotyluly mentioned in our ‘religous books’. Some things may have developed earlier, but as in all endeavours, be it philosophy, science, art, mathematics, everything is built on the shoulders of those who came before. New quality systems have evolved beyond the foundations laid by Deming, Juran, and the early Japanese practitioners of quality. At the height of its power, the Roman Empire ruled over a huge chunk of land, and all the present-day Mediterranean countries were part of ancient Rome. And of which church have almost all, if not all, ‘Presidents of Europe’ been de facto or nominative members? And if you searched in the internet also you can find tamil language is the core root of all the languages in the world. Well, they are half right again, aren’t they! "This splendid work of scholarship . . . sums up with economy and power all that the written record so far deciphered has to tell about the ancient and complementary civilizations of Babylon and Assyria."—Edward B. Garside, New York Times ... You though are correct India is one of the oldest if not the oldest civilization. They were the first country/civilization to accept Christianity, which people tend to forget is ancient as well. Pranav, do you know who built NASA and installed it’s culture? Does that make sense to you? Mr. Rajesh RR when did the Internet and Google came to an Existance? Right from the days of Sushruta in Ancient India, due to frequent battles and wars, healing of wounds was a matter of concern for all including ancient Chinese, Korean, Egyptian and African healers. I am proud because I of the oldest civilizations of the world (Iraq) .. We invented wars and agriculture laws, human rights and animal invention of writing .. .. if you want to see the history of mankind .. Come to Iraq is not afraid of the security situation is bad .. because of natural oldest civilization will fight by the States, Old and great, Iran is. I’m talking about Vincha, civilization that become in today’s Serbia, near the river Danube.They are older then Egiptians.Look it on Google. A country that any European nation including the Greeks and Romans never colonised and never been defeated by any external nation in a big war battle. It was intriguing to see the the author chose to pick Mesopotamia as the oldest. Riwat (Rawat, Murree) is a Lower Paleolithic site in Punjab [INDIA], northern Pakistan, providing evidence of Homo occupation that is the earliest outside Africa, dating to 1.9 million years ago. After 1200 B.C., the Bronze Age civilizations of the eastern Mediterranean suddenly collapsed … No significant mixing with other peoples after that date can be detected in the genomes of living Armenians, the geneticists said. Science says that we evolved from other species, Apes. The Incas were devout followers of the sun god Inti, and their king was referred to as “Sapa Inca” meaning the child of the sun. Unbelievable youguys left out the African civilizations e.g,Ethiopia,Cush. Remember, only the facts matter! Astrology, philosophy, agriculture and medicine were also far advanced for the time. The book provides an up-to-date overview of the structure, organization and evolution of the pharaonic administration from its origins to the middle of the first millennium BCE. Vedic civilization is much older than any other civilization. mehraghar is a neolithik site where small settlements were living. The Yellow River civilization is said to be the beginning of the entire Chinese civilization as this is where the earliest dynasties were based. His most recent book, The Shark Handbook, is a must buy for all shark enthusiasts. Ancient Crete. Perhaps continent drift happened through earth flooding (Noah’s Arc), melting of ice from a previous ice age. For WHOI personnel, vendors, and visitors: Climate Change Likely Caused Migration, Demise of Ancient Indus Valley Civilization, © 2021 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, We use cookies to analyze site usage and improve user experience. As for Mesopotamia location is concerned, Zagros mountain is in current Iran. Just mythology and the literatures cannot be taken as historical evidence. Some examples of this maturation in quality management include: Indus valley civilization which was the first known civilization in India is said to have flourished in the 25 th Century B.C. Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Evolution of Humans and Society – Prehistoric Period Additional Important Questions and Answers. I came from country, where we speak what you call SANSKRIT, but Sanskrit is our old alfabet only, and not a language. C14 Carbon dating has proved conclusively that pre-Indus valley civilization with pottery, cities with drainage existed in Haryana at around 7500 BC. It’s what they contribute to the advancement of mankind that distinguishes a great culture. Prime example, I’m pretty sure you’re no stranger to this quote…. I’m not God Krishna to understand the complexities of many lives, rather , be simplicity of one human life , based on what happened in the past life business with Human Civilizations & Human Race . We have been duped by “science” for at least the last 126 years, ever since the findings of Nikola Tesla. You forgot mention the Olmec Civilization, which came before the Incas or Myans civilizations. They are the oldest surviving culture, relatively unchanged up until couple hundred years ago. Xu L. (2011) Chinese Ancient Jade-Making Process. You believe Internet,Google and Alex collier More than our Hindu Purana’s. Older than than Mesopotamia and more civilized.. the old slavic nation ! The civilization coalesced around 3150 BC (according to conventional Egyptian chronology) with the political unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under the first pharaoh. ADVERTISEMENTS: After reading this article you will learn about the contribution of various management thinkers towards management:- 1. wow the fact that so many ppl are here giving opinions made my day I’m happy that I’m not the only one that is dying to explore the unknown of the past, hope I understand the truth before my journey is over. The term ‘civilization’ is derived from the Latin civis, meaning citizen, and civitas, meaning city. I appreciate the time you took in creating this list. How many wars have been fought over Religion and how many people have been killed and persecuted over the Millennia? Civilization should be marked by its people’s ability to survive, adapt and produce new technologies and skillset. The origin of Evolution management can be traced back to the days when man started living in groups. Entire populations were settled in the Indus river basin, one of the major rivers in Asia, and another river named Ghaggar-Hakra which once used to flow through northeast India and eastern Pakistan. A city is an organized society of people working in a well-mannered fashion. The Neolithic Revolution, or the (First) Agricultural Revolution, was the wide-scale transition of many human cultures during the Neolithic period from a lifestyle of hunting and gathering to one of agriculture and settlement, making an increasingly large population possible. Isn’t the Chinese civilization the oldest one? While the article, as well as many of the comments are quite interesting, the thing many of you seem to forget is the fact that there’s absolutely zero information on any of the plethora of possibilities which go against the belief system set up by those who want you to believe they are the “be-all-end-all” experts and have all the answers. The oldest we know for now is Vinca culture and Starcevo… Old Arian European civilization that you hide from the all charts of this kind…. Check out Shilov’s book and see what you make of it. How human mentality and psychology led to this development is still a popular topic among historians and anthropologists, and a major discussion for another day. My language is the oldest and the greatest and so on. My friend, navigators are doing underwater research there and palaces are being there inside water along with a whole city. When the king died, his son would get all the power, but his wealth would be distributed among his other relatives, who in return would preserve his mummy and maintain his political influence. and so called epics such as mahabharat nd ramayana claim to have been existed atleast 8000 years back in a time when stone was just discovered as tool these people claimed to have been using bows and arrows and shields in war. You guys are having a field day flooding this site with nonsense about some city that was supposedly older than anything else by about 30,000 years but you have yet to explain why people would simply ignore this “fact” if it were true. The sharing was done accord to the … Some of the most ancient (‘primitive’) cultures still in existence have no concept of ‘godhead’, let alone ‘holy scripture’ or Theology. The problem is that Gobelki Tepe wasn’t a city, and the purpose of building it then burying the entire thing, and even which civilization is responsible for building it are unknown or still being debated. Cycladic Civilization (3200 BCE to 1300 BCE) and Unified Ancient Egyptian (3200 BCE to 1,100 BCE) *note upper and lower Egypt existed prior to this), 3.

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