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library of congress teaching with primary sources

Appendix C: For the requested list of previous and active Federal grants, is this for grants related to the project? It is optional to include assumptions and external factors. Information literacy textbook. The IUM project delivers primary-source based curriculum resources and professional development for social studies teachers, with a particular focus on inquiry, primary sources, and culturally relevant pedagogy. In the first column (a), “Grant Program Function or Activity,” you may indicate “TPS Year 1, TPS Year 2…” as needed. Cost sharing includes contributions, both cash and in-kind, which are necessary and reasonable to achieve program objectives and which are verifiable from the recipient's records. On the first page, year 1 numbers should be in line 1, year 2 numbers in line 2, and year 3 numbers in line 3. Should the Year 2 and 3 budgets be included in the Budget Narrative and Budget Justification? JKM Library's guide for finding primary soures. View the Introduction video. Choose a link below to access printable PDF versions of these materials including additional information, color images and citations. How should the Standard Form (SF-424, SF-424A) PDFs and the budget narrative excel spreadsheet be submitted in the MS Word electronic copy version of the proposal? Addressing this K-12 educator need is the Library of Congress. SF424: In response to SF424 question #16b Congressional Districts of Program/ Project: Which Congressional district should we put for the project if we plan for it be disseminated nationally? Access primary sources and teaching resources from the Library of Congress website for instructional use. For modifications to an awarded project, please see the terms of the agreement created for how to proceed. Free to Use and Reuse Sets - Batches of primary sources on engaging topics. Teaching with Primary Sources. Consider how students can compare these items to other primary and secondary sources. Beyond the Bubble is the cornerstone of SHEG’s membership in the Library of Congress’s Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) Educational Consortium. As part of the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources Consortium, National History Day has developed programming to help engage NHD teachers and students with the vast resources of the Library of Congress. While primary sources are increasingly taking more prominent roles in the social studies and history classrooms, they are still very rare in other disciplines. Additionally, cost-share funds may be indicated on the SF424A section C – Non-Federal Resources and labeled as such under the grant program (even if it’s not a grant program you may write in Box 8 (a) something like “organization cost-share”). The Library of Congress > Blogs > Teachers > Teaching with Primary Sources: Regional Program Search All Formats Audio Recordings Books Films, Videos Legislation Manuscripts/Mixed Materials Maps Notated Music Newspapers Periodicals Personal Narratives Photos, Prints, Drawings Software, E-Resources Archived Web Sites Web Pages 3-D Objects

The Library may not make a Federal award to an applicant organization that has not completed the SAM.gov registration. The Library's educational vision is to give teachers tools to help students marshal the power of primary sources and build their capacity to think critically about history and the world around them. During this activity, you will … pedagogy and primary sources: outcomes of the library of congress’ professional development program, teaching with primary sources at loyola . In the present book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie says, “You can make someone want to do what you want them to do by seeing the situation from the other person’s point of view and arousing in the other person ... Should section f) Intellectual Property Rights be a separate appendix or included in the 15-main page body of the proposal? Please make sure individual files and emails are clearly labeled and connected to your application. The Library of Congress Primary Source Sets for educators are a good place to start. The Library anticipates that grantees will attend at least one face-to-face meeting annually held in Washington, DC, or elsewhere, once pandemic restrictions are lifted. These narratives were collected in the 1930s as part of the Federal Writers' Project (FWP) of the Works Progress Administration, later renamed Work Projects Administration (WPA). By now you should know how to navigate the Library of Congress web site, access primary sources, manage your sources with a resource table, understand the importance of standards. Exploring the vast array of re-sources available on the Library of Congress website will enable partici-pants to gain an understanding of effective instructional practices. Rich Cairn Director, Emerging America, Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources Program at CES Amherst, Massachusetts, United States 500+ connections Paperback reprint. Originally published: 2019. IDC: How should Indirect Cost (IDC) Rates be calculated? Provides primary sources and activities designed to teach fourth through eighth graders about the civil rights movement. The Teaching with Primary Source Program (TPS) is a federal grant which allows libraries to create and access digital primary sources from the Library of Congress, and other materials with a network containing other schools and institutions using TPS. Please review “Part E. Application Review” of the NOFO for application selection criteria. Sources that compile, analyze, and digest secondary sources. The NOFO states applicants should include “Program Area” on the application cover page. With primary sources from the Library of Congress, you can help students compare and contrast today’s images with those from the past. No, these documents, forms, attachments, and the cover page will not count against the 15-page limit. Yes. This is a collaboration between the Library of Congress and WGBH in Boston. Are the cover page, budget attachments (Budget Narrative Template (excel) and Budget Justification (word/ PDF), the appendices and the standard forms (SF424 and SF424A) considered part of the 15-page count limit? *Go to Activity 2.

May a project include the use of other digitized collections in addition to the Library’s? History textbooks often offer a simplistic narrative of the nation’s experience of granting women the ballot, but a closer look paints a much more complex history of women’s voting rights activism. Exploring the vast array of re-sources available on the Library of Congress website will enable partici-pants to gain an understanding of effective instructional practices. The NOFO “Part B.3 Project Requirements, Expected Performance Indicators, and Targets” section includes participation in a TPS orientation and fundamentals program, which grantees should be available to participate in up to 10 hours of the orientation. in candidacy for the degree of . Use the Library of Congress Primary Source Analysis Tool to help you investigate historical documents. The SF-424A may include year 1-3 budget numbers. What are the grant amounts the Library will award? Primary sources from the online collections of the Library of Congress contain a wide variety of items in different formats that document these processes and provide opportunities for students to explore many aspects of this rich and complex history. Posters for the People presents these works for what they truly are: highly accomplished and powerful examples of American art. The Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) Consortium fosters collaborations between members, Library of Congress staff, and the broader community to increase the educational value of Library’s collections for learners representing diverse communities, perspectives, and endeavors.
EIU Teaching with Primary Sources The official blog of the teaching resources at the Library of Congress, @TeachingLC, the Library’s account for educators, Teaching with Primary Sources Partner Program, Teaching with Primary Sources Notice of Funding Opportunity 2021, Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs, Blog: Teaching with the Library of Congress, Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. During the webinar, we used resources from the Library of Congress to implement inquiry-based activities with online learning tools. Specfically, we thank, Pamela Guimond and her predecessors, Sandi Estep, Lucianne Brown and Andrea Evans for the contributions you all have made toward the Library's educational programs." Primary Source Set. Teaching with Primary Sources My school district is preparing to apply. As a Teaching with Primary Sources Consortium member, we focus on the use of primary sources and inquiry learning in elementary classrooms and the positive effects it can have on student … Click here for a complete list of HATs. The TPS Regional program promotes the widespread, sustained and effective use of primary sources from the Library of Use these directions to create your resource table. Our product is purchased at a higher price than $5,000 (max amount for supplies per unit). If our product exceeds this maximum supplies per unit threshold, will our product become ineligible for consideration? How would a successful grantee report on an April 2022 hosted event held within days of the April 5 performance report due date? Primary Sources in the Classroom. The TPS Consortium extends the reach and use of the TPS program by creating curriculum, delivering professional development to pre-and in-service teachers, and contributing to researching effective strategies for incorporations primary sources in K-12 instruction. Are applicants allowed to propose to use their own formatted or created analysis tool in the proposed activities? Library of Congress. The Florida Primary Sources is a pack of 20 primary source documents that are relevant to the history in Florida. Utilizing primary sources from the Library of Congress website, this unique classroom resource presents ready-to-use lesson plans, analysis tools, and rubrics based on Abraham Lincoln and his era. • Includes over 20 lesson plans based on ... Go to loc.gov. The Prints and Photographs Online Catalog (PPOC) contains catalog records and digital images representing a rich cross-section of still pictures held by the Prints & Photographs Division. The Library of Congress offers classroom materials and professional development to help teachers effectively use primary sources from the Library's vast digital collections in their teaching. Budget Narrative: If the request amount is the same across the budget object class categories and totals for each project year (one, two, and three), can this be submitted in a single Budget Narrative Template (excel)? Actual awards may be less than $35,000 or exceed $100,000, at the Library’s discretion. Library of Congress. Navigating the Library of Congress They tend to be argumentative. Use the Primary Source Analysis Tool from the Library of Congress and select guiding questions that students will use to analyze the primary sources. Can travel to conferences to present as part of the dissemination stage be included in the budget for either staff or teachers? A searchable site of significant public television and radio programs of the past 60 years. The papers of the author, educator, and political philosopher, Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) are one of the principle … Her students and her district are lucky to have her! Inquiry is a crucial vantage point for teaching information literacy, but where can school librarians turn for help meeting those standards? Amy moved from a recipient of professional development recipient to a pd leader when she organized a Library of Congress TPS workshop for her district earlier this month. If you are electing the 10 % de minimis rate, it is calculated as 10% of the modified total direct costs (MTDC). Ask targeted questions to enhance students’ reasoning skills and increase rigor in classrooms. It is recommended that you include the title of the contact person in field f. Optional fields: 4 – Applicant Identifier; e – Organizational Unit; f – Organizational Affiliation; 9 – secondary and tertiary applicant type (only if applicable); 14 – Areas Affected by Project (attachment); 16 – Additional Congressional Districts list attachment. Please list previous and active Federal grants for projects related to the one you are proposing first, before listing previous and active Federal grants that are unrelated to the one you propose. The information provided in the project plans and budget justification for the additional years should provide information that explains the three-year arc of your intended project, focusing on its development and benefits to learners. Is there a preferred format for the Logic Framework? Appendices: Should the separate appendices be submitted as individual appendix files? SF424A (Budget): What are the required fields on the SF424A Box B (1) through (4) parts (a) to (k)? Are there specific items or ways the grant funds should be used? The Library of Congress awards grants of up to $25,000, under the Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) Regional program to school districts, universities, cultural institutions, library systems and other educational organizations that wish to incorporate TPS materials and methods into their existing education and professional development programs for pre and in-service teachers, librarians, media specialists and other K-12 educators. Can organizations that have not received a TPS grant join the TPS Consortium? This is the paperback edition of Using Primary Sources, an Open Access resource that combines rare archival source materials with high quality peer-reviewed chapters, providing students with the opportunity to examine original material in ... During the webinar, we used resources from the Library of Congress to implement inquiry-based activities with online learning tools. Please follow Application Submission Instructions in section D of the NOFO, which includes submission dates and times, email submission requirements, the SF-424 (PDF Application for Federal Assistance Form), proposal format and cover page, the project narrative, appendixes A-E, IP rights limitations (if applicable), the SF-424A (PDF budget form), the Budget Narrative (excel) and the Budget Justification narrative. Blog: Teaching with the Library of Congress, Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers, Delivering educational programming to various categories of learners, Creating and distributing educational materials or tools for teaching specific content, Convening meetings of like organizations to devise strategies for furthering common learning and teaching goals with Library of Congress materials, Conducting research that investigates the impact of incorporating Library of Congress resources into educational initiatives, and includes significant practitioner involvement. This engaging book offers effective, creative strategies for integrating primary source materials and providing cross-curricular ideas. This resource is aligned to the interdisciplinary themes from the Partnership for 21st Century Skills. Teaching with Primary Sources Partner Program webpage. Understand the importance of using primary sources in a standards-based inquiry lesson plan. The National Council for History Education (NCHE) was founded in 1990 to implement the recommendations of the Bradley Commission on History in Schools. Can additional details, charts, and supporting materials to support the project be included in additional appendices with labels G, H, etc.? Found insideEducational Projects Supported by the Library of Congress The following are projects that have been funded through the Library of Congress's initiative Teaching with Primary Sources. They are terrific resources for extending the ... the faculty of the graduate school of education . Additionally, applicants may include project plans and budgets for up to two additional years, with a maximum request of up to $100,000 per year. The Library intends to communicate funding decisions on or before August 31, 2021. At the Library of Congress, I found a rich resource to support teaching and learning at all grade and language proficiency levels. Discover and discuss ways to bring the power of Library of Congress primary sources into the classroom. The Library of Congress Primary Source Sets for educators are a good place to start. Either. The Library will make 12-month grant awards of between $35,000 and $100,000. Partici- The UEI is a unique 12 character organization identifier. To find the regional partner for your state, visit the Regional Partners page. Yes, project timelines and other visual charts are allowed in the proposal and may be included in the body of the project narrative (15-page limit) or as a separate, supplementary appendix. And, if a proposal is submitted for more than a 1-year project, what is the maximum amount allowable to be requested each year? However, this material may be located in a number of places including in the library, elsewhere on campus, or even online. Examples of fundable supplies are listed on the NOFO pages 12-13. Budget Justification: Should the Budget Justification refer to the categories outlined in the Budget Narrative Template (excel)? DocsTeach. Yes, two or more entities may partner to submit one proposal. Primary Source Sets – Each set collects primary sources on a specific frequently-taught topic, along with historical background information and teaching ideas. This opportunity does not fund equipment (supplies over the $5,000 per unit threshold - see the 2 CFR 200.33 for the definition of equipment or NOFO pages 11-12). Should Intellectual Property Rights be included within the narrative as section F, or as Appendix F? Fundable projects must use the Library’s online, digitized collections for one or more of the following activities: Under this NOFO there is no mandatory cost share or matching requirement, however proposals that include matching or cost sharing elements may be rated more highly. Applicants who are including up to three total years in their applications may use column (2) for project year two (FY22) numbers and column (3) for project year three (FY23). While primary sources are increasingly taking more prominent roles in the social studies and history classrooms, they are still very rare in other disciplines. The second page of the SF-424A should have year 1 numbers in column (1), year 2 in column (2), and year 3 in column (3), as needed. Eligible applicants include: public or private organizations, both not-for profit and for-profit organizations and including institutions of higher education, colleges, universities, professional associations, library systems, cultural institutions, other educational organizations such as K-12 schools, after-school programs, literacy organizations, centers, clubs, associations of home-schooling parents, honor societies, and other professional, civic, regional, state, and community groups, and collaborative partnerships (such as an organization with content expertise paired with a state or regional educational entity); states; public or private agencies, including for-profit agencies; and Indian tribes and tribal organizations. Browse unique primary sources at the Library of Congress by theme or format using the links below: Specialists at the Library of Congress have created thematic approaches for viewing the digital collections: The following links provide special browses of the Library's digital collections by format: The following specialized catalogs provide direct access to special groups of library materials: This section of the Teacher's website provides guidance on using online Library of Congress primary sources. Budget: Does a separate Budget Justification document need to be included with the Budget Narrative Template (excel)? Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) is the Library of Congress’s premier educational program, focused on helping educators enhance students’ critical thinking and analysis skills and content knowledge using their collection of millions of primary sources. Posted in: News and Events 14 Comments | Add a Comment » Teaching with Primary Sources: A History Digital collections. Selected sets of primary sources related to famous figures and turning points in American history. TPS grants support the Library’s mission to engage, inspire, and inform Congress and the American people with a universal and enduring source of knowledge and creativity. Activity 1.

As described in § 200.403, costs must be consistently charged as either indirect or direct costs, but may not be double charged or inconsistently charged as both. Addressing this K-12 educator need is the Library of Congress. Is it OK to list the date as the grant application deadline? Can we put them in the appendix? Please ensure, however, that every cost included in your budget is explained. Engage students with primary sources to promote student inquiry and evidence-based reasoning, and apply … The following activities are designed to help you review and become more efficient at locating and managing primary sources for use in your classroom. Thank you to the Library of Congress, Teaching with Primary Sources Program. The mission of the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) program is to: build awareness of the Library’s educational initiatives; provide content that promotes the effective educational use of the Library’s resources; and offer access to and promote sustained use of the Library’s educational resources. On the SF424, field 8c UEI, applicants should enter their organization’s UEI received from SAM.gov. On the SF424 box 16b, you may indicate “NATL” for a proposed project with a national reach. In the early 1990s, the Library of Congress began digitizing its historic documents, moving images, sound recordings, and print and photographic media. They tend to be factual. by . The Library’s mission is to use its collections to connect with those representing diverse communities, beliefs, and endeavors to engage, inspire, and inform Congress and the American people with a universal and enduring source of knowledge and creativity. The Oklahoma Primary Sources is a pack of 20 primary source documents that are relevant to the history in Oklahoma. May two entities collaborate and submit one proposal? Are there forms or page limits for the project plans and budgets for the up to two additional years past the first year? The Appendix B attachments should provide supporting materials to the narrative description. Basic process components may include priorities, inputs, activities, and outputs. E xplore this collection of inquiry kits that allows students to select a research topic of interest and evaluate themed primary sources from the Library of Congress. To apply for the 2021 Notice of Funding Opportunity, use the materials on this page. Click on Creating a Resource Table or check the course packet. Library of Congress: Teaching with Primary Sources. The mission of the national Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) program is to: build awareness of the Library’s educational initiatives; provide content that promotes the effective educational of the Library’s resources; and offer access to and promote sustained use of the Library’s educational resources. Social media makes it pretty easy to stay aware and learn about social issues and movements going on around the world. The Library of Congress awards grants of up to $25,000, under the Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) Regional program to school districts, universities, cultural institutions, library systems and other educational organizations that wish to incorporate TPS materials and methods into their existing education and professional development programs for pre and in-service teachers, librarians, media …
Can an applicant still apply next year for FY23 funding if they do not describe a possible second and third year grants in their logical framework? While this grant opportunity does not fund digitization costs of new materials, grant projects may include sources from collections outside of the Library of Congress that have already been digitized or will be digitized with non-award funds. Home — Special Collections — Teaching with Primary Sources — U.S. History Inquiry Kits . Promote a deeper understanding of history, and explore government and civic life using Library of Congress primary sources. The Bradley Commission was a group of historians and history educators whose work culminated in the development of History’s Habits of Mind. Please visit the 2 eCFR 200 for the most updated regulations here.

Information on registering with System for Award Management (SAM.gov) may be obtained by visiting the Grants.gov website. Teaching with Primary Sources Mississippi is proud to be part of the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources Consortium. Subject to the grantee’s satisfactory performance under the funded award, the availability of funds, and the grantee’s submission of a fundable proposal, the Library will make funds available for a maximum of two additional years, at the government’s sole discretion, without competition. This collection brings together the work of archivists, librarians, museum professionals, and other educators who evoke the power of primary sources to teach information literacy skills to a variety of audiences. Are Federal government agencies eligible to apply? The Hannah Arendt Papers at the Library of Congress. When will the Library communicate grant decisions? The Library of Congress is accepting applications from organizations that aim to incorporate Library of Congress resources into educational programs and materials for learners representing diverse professions and communities. Yes, if the budget submitted includes cost-sharing funds. For full details about the grant project parameters, criteria, and eligibility, please read the “Teaching with Primary Sources Notice of Funding Opportunity 2021” available on the Library's Teaching with Primary Sources Partner Program webpage. No. Will the Library accept multiple proposals from the same applicant? SF424: What is the UEI required field on the SF424? Primary Sources at UCR. Consider how students can compare these items to other primary and secondary sources. Actual amounts granted may be less than $35,000 or greater than $100,000, at the Library’s discretion. The Library of Congress does not provide one-on-one feedback on project proposals for the Teaching with Primary Sources national grant program. The Library does not have a recommendation or preference, and it may depend on the email server or file size (please see the NOFO for the Library’s maximum email size limit). How to teach with primary sources. Cost.

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